Have you ever experienced flooding in areas of your landscape or perhaps puddles after a rain?
Good drainage involves proper grading of your yard. A good landscape architect should always ensure proper drainage. We at the Crafted Garden are experts in drainage issues.
There are many reasons that drainage is important:
When your drainage is not correct, not only will your landscape suffer, but the general maintenance and upkeep will suffer, as well. For those with basements, bad drainage may cause further leaks and seeping of moisture in your home resulting in mold accumulation.
Stagnant water from puddles will invite mosquitoes and other bacteria into your surroundings.
Too much water can drown your plants causing them to die.
Our company has been in the landscape business for 25 years. Not only do we have the practical experience in ensuring efficient drainage, we also have the education. Our owner has a degree in Landscape Architecture. We also make sure that every drainage project we undertake conforms to industry standards by using the best drainage products from reputable manufacturers.
The Crafted Garden offers the following grading services:
Create positive drainage from your home’s foundation and lot.
Grading for Walkways, Patios and Driveways.
Cut outs for Retaining Walls and Backfill.
Final Grades for Seeding, Re-seeding and Seed Bed Preparation.
Large and Small projects.
Clearing services offered:
Site prep for new construction.
Wooded areas for existing homes and new landscape projects.
Seasonal maintenance of pasture and over grown areas. (Bush Hogging)
Removal of Trees.