Marty’s inspired designs often incorporate architectural foundations of all types of stone, and are either softened, focused, or adorned by plants that fit the design’s “story.” Along with his technical knowledge and experience, his passion and love of nature inspire his ability to create and build a design that harmonizes with each site’s natural elements.
Natural Stone – Pathways, Steps
Paver Stones
Fire pits using rustic Metals, Stone
When choosing someone to design and construct your project, whether it is a wall, a special feature, a garden, fireplace, or whatever you are hoping to add, remember that stone has color, design, along with function. Don’t be content with a project that may be constructed well and eco-friendly, but has not the color, design, nor plantings that meld the structure to your landscape. Marty has the expertise, knowledge, and inspiration to visualize, and perfect your finished product.